We don’t all play the same way, do you know which one is yours?

We don't all play the same way, do you know which one is yours? - Guillermo Sepulveda - Land Vegas

Everyone says that by playing we “distract ourselves” as if we were children.

This statement has a lot of truth, but as we have said in previous columns, playing is something that goes further, because by playing we affirm our way of being in the world and with others, not just a way to “escape from reality.”

And just as there are multiple types of people and motivations, there are also a wide variety of ways to play.

But it is worth asking, how many ways to play are there?

One of the great authors who talk about the philosophy of the game and its foundations is Roigier Callois who in his work “Games and Men” (1958) defines very well a facet of games that is fundamental for Land Vegas.

The ways we play determine us as human beings

In summary, Callois’ work conceives the game as a channel to channel/resolve a natural desire in the human being, which he reveals as: desire for competition, desire to play with destiny, desire for imitation and desire to seek vertigo.

And he categorizes them as follows: Agon (competition games), Alea (luck games), Mimicry (imitation games), Ilinx (adrenaline or vertigo games).

And it is that to channel our need to resolve our desires to advance in life (Agon), play with destiny (Alea), integrate ourselves following roles (Mimicry), test our principles (Ilinx) or want to go further (Peripatos). ), these channels are of vital importance in our lives.

And how do we project this way of defining the game in Land Vegas?

Seeking that every recreational desire is channeled, through competitive games of the most diverse nature (Agon), betting and betting experiences (Alea), as well as the opportunity to personalize your experience with skins and your own profile (Mimicry).

And how about the feeling of vertigo? That will not be left behind, as it will be the “transverse line” of the design itself in games where the adrenaline will explode to the maximum.

You just have to live it, what desire do you want to channel to the maximum?


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